A COTESA possui um Centro de Operações que atua em regime 24×7 realizando o acompanhamento contínuo de riscos e falhas, o que possibilita a tomada imediata de ações que garantam os reparos necessários no menor período de tempo possível. Com isso, minimizam-se danos e perdas dos clientes com desligamentos inesperados.
Currently, the company operates around 2.7 GW in O&M of Solar and Wind Power Plant Assets, 490 MW of Hydro Power Plants, 106 Substations connected to the Brazilian Integrated Power System and 7,000 KM of High and Extra High Voltage Transmission Lines.
The services provided by Cotesa include real-time operation, pre- and post-operation and the preparation of manuals, procedures, normative instructions, maneuvering plans and system energization. The company also works with Operation Engineering, keeping a critical eye on its processes and results.
Cotesa also represents its clients in the institutional relationship with the National Electric System Operator (ONS) and other regulatory and sector bodies, acting in special situations, such as protection from external agents, forced shutdowns, first equipment energization, access to facilities transmission, drafting of operational agreements, among others.