Transmitters and power generators must comply with cybersecurity standards by January 8th
As normas estão vigentes desde 9 de julho de 2021 e os ativos serão fiscalizados também pela Aneel.
Transmission companies must deliver Minimum Maintenance Plan for SAM by November 30th
Cabe a cada transmissora estabelecer seu plano de manutenção com base nas normas técnicas, nos manuais dos fabricantes e nas boas práticas de engenharia, garantindo a prestação do serviço adequado e a conservação das instalações sob sua concessão.
ONS details the SIN operation during the World Cup
A operação especial terá início duas horas antes dos jogos do Brasil e finalizará duas horas após a partida.
Inspection indicates replacement of 20 insulator chains due to corona effect
During 11 days, COTESA Engineering carried out the inspection with an ultraviolet camera and detected the need to replace 20 insulator chains due to the corona effect in a total of 252 structures. In one tower it was also recommended the general cleaning of the conductor cable to assess the possible need for replacement.
Detailed inspection records 836 anomalies in 105 km Transmission Line
A COTESA Engenharia concluiu a inspeção detalhada em Linha de Transmissão de 105km de extensão, com a fiscalização de 255 torres e sendo que 50% dessas foi realizada através de escalada. Ao total, foram registradas 415 ocorrências, num total de 836 anomalias.
COTESA Engenharia takes part in a wind sector fair
COTESA Engenharia participated in the 12th Brazil Wind Power, which brings together the major players in the national and international wind sector and promotes discussions on the next steps of the energy transition, the prospects for a future Net Zero (carbon neutralization), new technologies such as green hydrogen storage and regulation of the offshore wind market.
Washing of insulator bays in substations
COTESA Engenharia carried out the washing of two isolator bays in two 500kV substations, in an action that involved 11 employees and lasted five days. Before starting the washing period, the professionals received training on electrical criteria, equipment characteristics, problem identification, methodologies adopted and safety aspects.
Corrective maintenance performed in Transmission Line
COTESA Engenharia carried out a programmed corrective maintenance service on two 525kV Transmission Lines. The service corrected anomalies detected during previously performed inspections.
Inspection of 137 metallic structures concluded
COTESA Engineering has concluded the detailed inspection with escalation of 137 metallic structures, with grounding resistance measurement, thermographic verification and corrective maintenance.
The Corona Effect on Transmission Lines
O efeito Corona é a deformação do campo elétrico e ocorre a partir da ionização do ar ao redor de um condutor elétrico, ocasionando um estalo luminoso (ruído brilhante).