The basic power transmission grid in Brazil

In a continental country, in which a large part of the energy generation is distant from the consumer units, having a basic transmission grid in full operation is not an easy task.

The national transmission system is responsible for connecting all Brazilian states, with the state of Roraima being the only exception. 

According to the ONS, Brazil has 169,000 km of transmission lines and aims to exceed 200,000 km by 2026.

COTESA Engenharia is responsible for Operation & Maintenance for about 5% of this amount, specializing in the execution of maintenance of live lines up to 600kV DC, of 112 substations connected to the SIN, being an important player for the functioning of the national electrical system.

Além do O&M, também realizamos a gestão de indicadores de desempenho, de modo a monitorar desvios, garantir a tomada de ações em níveis gerenciais e estratégicos e otimizar recursos.