Transmission companies must deliver Minimum Maintenance Plan for SAM by November 30th

The energy transmitters must submit the Minimum Maintenance Plan to the ONS SAM by November 30th. It is up to each transmission company to establish its maintenance plan based on technical standards, manufacturers' manuals and good engineering practices, ensuring the provision of adequate service and the conservation of the facilities under its concession.

The document defines the minimum predictive and preventive maintenance activities and their periodicity for power transformers and autotransformers, reactors, capacitors, circuit breakers, disconnecting switches, instrument transformers, lightning arresters, and transmission lines.

Maintenance activities and periodicities for other equipment, including protection systems and auxiliary services, should also be specified in the transmitters' maintenance plans. Although they do not constitute the complete set of activities necessary for the maintenance of transmission equipment and lines, ONS understands that they are the minimum acceptable from the regulatory point of view.

Based on the predictive and preventive maintenance results, the transmitter must correct the verified anomalies. Preventive maintenance can only be performed at intervals greater than those established in the plan when maintenance techniques based on condition or reliability are adopted. In this case, a technical report must be presented that shows the condition of the equipment that justifies the postponement of preventive maintenance based on time.