COTESA Engenharia saves R$ 7.6 million for transmitters in 2022

COTESA Engenharia generated savings of R$ 7.6 million in 2022 for its Transmission customers with the service of calculating variable installments, based on operational performance, availability and capacity of the installations during the month. In this period, 115 contestations were made and 77 were accepted.

In calculating the variable portions, three pieces of information resulting from the event calculation processes are considered:


1 - calculation of unavailability; 
2 - temporary operating restrictions; 
3 - start-ups and overloads in Basic Network installations.

The Variable Portion (PV) is the discount applied on the monthly remuneration of the transmission concessionaires, due to the verified unavailability of the transmission installation.

A PV apura a qualidade do serviço de transmissão prestado pelas transmissoras, associando à disponibilidade do equipamento, e, ainda, a vinculação da qualidade do serviço à remuneração das concessionárias.

COTESA Engenharia has a dedicated nucleus for investigating systemic events and disturbances and disputes, comprising professionals experienced in electric systems, regulation and operational functions in the national interconnected system.

The savings generated are often in some instances greater than the monthly O&M costs themselves for some agents.